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Q: What is thw importance of knowing the scientific and artistic achievements of ancient time?
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Four accomplishments if ancient Greece?

The ancient Greeks made great achievements in government, philosophy, science, and the arts.

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No ancient Rome was very artistic from its culture to literature, to its fundamental art.

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Egypt has the pyramids and the sphinx as engineering achievements.

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the achievements were: the pyramids, boats, early geometry, and their hieroglyphics's.

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3 examples of scientific achievements contributed by the people from ancient Greece?

Ancient Greek scientists have contributed much to the scientific field. Thales, for instance, was the first to discover the phenomena of the equinox and the solstice. Pythagoras discovered the mathematical relationships between notes of the musical scale. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, was the first to posit that medical ailments had scientific explanations and causes.

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They were fat asses

What are the achievements in ancient Italy?

things and stuff