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Q: What is the revival of art and learning called?
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What is the definition of renaissance?

A new birth, or revival., The transitional movement in Europe, marked by the revival of classical learning and art in Italy in the 15th century, and the similar revival following in other countries., The style of art which prevailed at this epoch.

What term meaning rebirth refers to the great revival of art and learning in Europe beginning in the 1300s?


Renaissance brought a new interest in what?

Renaissance is nothing but REBIRTH. Otherwise called as REVIVAL OF LEARNING AND CULTURE (cultural rebirth) Renaissance brought back interest in art, literature, basically learning in general. and yeah renaissance does mean rebirth (:

Why was the renaissance called rebirth of learning?

The Renaissance was called the "rebirth of learning" because it marked a period in which there was a revival of interest in classical learning, arts, and culture. During this time, there was a renewed focus on humanism, curiosity, and innovation, which led to advancements in various fields such as art, science, and philosophy. This emphasis on education and knowledge sought to reawaken the intellectual achievements of ancient civilizations like Greece and Rome.

What was credited to Charlamagne?

The revival of latin learning

What is credited to Charlemagne?

The revival of Latin learning.

What does a rebirth of classical learning mean?

A rebirth of classical learning refers to a revival or resurgence of interest in the study of ancient Greek and Roman literature, philosophy, and art. This revival often involves a renewed focus on the values, ideals, and intellectual pursuits of the classical period, leading to an appreciation for the wisdom and knowledge of ancient civilizations.

Why was that the renaissance was called rebirth of learning?

The Renaissance was called the "rebirth of learning" because it marked a cultural movement in Europe where there was a renewed interest in classical learning and arts. It saw a resurgence of knowledge in fields like science, literature, art, and philosophy, after a period of relative stagnation during the Middle Ages. This revival of ancient knowledge and a focus on humanism led to significant advancements and innovations in various areas.

What does it man if someone is called a renaissance man or woman?

A Renaissance man or woman is someone who is highly skilled or knowledgeable in a wide range of fields or disciplines. This term references the historical period known as the Renaissance, characterized by a revival of art, literature, and learning.

The great revival of art and learning in Europe during the 1300s and 1400's and 1500's?

It's called the Renaissance (French for rebirth). It started in Italy before around 1330 but didn't reach northern Europe till about 1490.

How were Muslim scholars linked to the revival of learning in Europe?

Muslim scholars linking to revival of learning in Europe by making an important and original contributions in mathematics, Astronomy, medicine, ect.