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Answer 1: In Freemasonry, the members, during meetings, wear aprons which resemble what stonemasons wear. The highest-ranking member in any given lodge is called the "Master," and his apron -- and those of certain other officers -- is a bit different from all the others. Once he is no longer the "Master" -- once he's a past-Master -- he gets yet another apron which indicates his having once held that high office.

Many of the founding fathers of the United States were Freemasons; and many of them were Masters in their respective lodges. And so, many of them had portraits painted of them wearing their past-Master's aprons...

...which, no doubt, is what the questioner saw or read about somewhere, hence the question.

For example (and this is but one), founding father, and first President of the United States, George Washington, was a Freemason; and many paintings -- some authorized, many not -- of him wearing his Masonic apron (a few of them his past-Masters apron) exist.

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Greg O'Neal

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3y ago
Incorrect, he is The Worshipful Master. All Master Masons are Master.

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