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Hahaha!!!! You just wear something daring and people start to find you brave and copy you!! So don't worry about having people laugh at your clothes...You are brave!!!

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Q: What changes fashion?
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What does the 80's fashion have to do with today's fashion?

Nothing everything changes its life...

Who were the roman fashion creators?

If you are referring to the ancient Romans, there were no Roman fashion creators. The Romans did not have fashion designers and there were no fashion changes. They were very traditional with their clothing and what changes there were occurred very slowly, often under foreign influence, as with the adoption of the toga from the Greeks.

How did fashion change in result or world war 2?

Fashion changes all the time regardless of war .

How does change in fashion affect the demand?

For certain products such as textile products, changes in fashion can bring about large and frequent changes in the demand. Example: when T- shirts are in fashion, the demand for T- shirt will increase. Mostly the demand will be high for those goods which are highly in fashion at that time period.

How does fashion influence change?

The only thing fashion influences changes in is the clothes people wear, fashion is more a expression of change than a vehicle of it.

Why do young people care so much about fashion?

It's a part of their generation. Fashion style changes through out the years, every generation's fashion is different.

Paragraph on fashion in simple English?

fashion:Fashion is a term commonly used to describe a style of clothing worn by most of people of a country. A fashion usually remains popular for about 3 years and then is replaced by yet another fashion. Even though there are a lot of changes in fashion, most people do not easily except the changes.

Does fashion change day by day?

Fashion changes quite frequently. Most items that are "in fashion" don't stay "in fashion" very long. Some clothing items may come back in style after being unseen for years.

How fashion has changes since the hippies?

it changed because of eminem and snoop dog

What were the changes between 1750 and 1900?

weellllll there were a lot of changes between the 1750-1900... transport fashion of clothes the industrial revelution

What is the 2000 fashion look like?

Quite different to the 1990's, it changes each season so has gone from tube the grunge the asymetric layers...bohemian style...french classic...nautical...and so on. Fashion changes frequently and different people and places have different takes of fashion.

What is trending mean?

The drift of an idea. Drifting towards. A leading style or fashion.