Oh, dude, like, the Renaissance was all about fancy words and stuff, right? So, if you're looking for some J-words from back in the day, you could throw around terms like "jousting" or "jubilant." But, like, who really needs those words nowadays anyway?
By far the most famous Renaissance statue is the David by Michelangelo.
Some ideas are: You could dress up as you were from the Renaissance and act like you were from that time period. If you are artistic, you could paint or draw a picture in the style of Renaissance paintings. You could make a collage of Renaissance items and styles.
big boobs
Naught; Nary.
Some five letter words that start with K are:kabobkapokkaputkayakkazookhakiknavekneelknifeknockkrill
10 Letter words that start with everyEveryplaceEverythingEverywhereEverywomanEverywomen9 Letter words that start with everyEverybodyEverydays8 Letter words that start with everyEverydayEverymanEverymenEveryoneEveryway
Meaningful words that start with the letter a:abilityaccidentachievementadvantageadviceaffairalarmalibialimonyamputationanniversaryapologyapprovalauthorityavalanche
Some four letter words that start with I are:ibexibisicedideainchintoisn'titch
Some four letter words that start with WR are:wrapwrenwrit
Action words that start with the letter M:makemanufacturemarchmarrymeasuremendmilkmixmodifymovemowmugmurder
Some three letter words that start with S are: sadsagsapsatsawsaxsayseaseesetsewsexsheshysicsinsipsirsissitsixslyskisobsodsonsotsowsoyspystysubsumsunsup
Some words that start with the letter O are:oceanOddOdeofoffOfficeogreoldOliveOnoneOpalOppositeorOrangeorboreganoorganismorgasmorigamiotherotteroughtOxymoronoval
Some seven letter words that start with a B include:baffledbankingbarkingbashfulbecausebelievebeneathbeggingblanketblenderblessedblisterblinkerblockerblossomblotterblastedblackenblatherblushedblunderblurtedbonfirebroughtbrittlebrisklybrieflybrotherbutterybutcherbuntingbustingbungled
Here are some words that start with W:WishingWinterWhiteWonderlandWhimsicalWalnutsWomenWaldorf