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A painting where you can paint freely is a way to express your ides, feelings, religion or pretty much anything else. A statue would most likely show that the person is historically important or widely recognised for something they did. Furniture, I'm not sure.

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Q: If art communicate what is communicated by the statue of a hero painting or a piece of furniture?
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What is communicated by the statue of a hero a painting a furniture?

A painting where you can paint freely is a way to express your ides, feelings, religion or pretty much anything else. A statue would most likely show that the person is historically important or widely recognised for something they did. Furniture, I'm not sure.

What is in second but not in hour What is in me but not you What is in a statue but not in a painting?

sEcond mE statuE it is the letter E

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the red poppy painting was really big. infact it was almost the height of the statue of liberty. thats a big painting-

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What skills did michelangelo have?

he could sculpt his draiwngs himself he also trained himself to paint fantastic pictures

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a sculpture is something like a statue art is painting

NJ civil service wrongful termination statue?

At this time, there is no statue dedicated to NJ civil service wrongful termination. I may have seen a painting or two with this theme.

What has a mouth but is not alive?

A river. Or a photo, statue, painting, or coin, all of which have mouths, but do not speak.

In the Congo a person may buy a plain wooden statue to communicate with spiritual powers. With a diviner and help the person adds objects to the statue to give it power. What do the additions to t?

An offered prayer

What was the statues of the saints were displayed in the seven niiches in the interior of the pantheon?

The first niche to the right has a painting called Madonna of the Girdle, the second one had a painting of the Coronation of the Virgin, In the third one there is the statue of St Anne and the Blessed Virgin. In the first niche to the left there is a painting of the Assumption, in the second one there is a statue of St Agnes and the third one has the sarcophagus of the painter Raphael and behind it a statue of the Madonna of the Rock. On the right side of the Chapel of the Crucifixion there is a low relief of Cardinal Consalvi presenting to Pope Pius VII the five provinces restored to the holy see. On the left side there is a statue of St Rasius.

What is the piece of furniture called that a statue or other decorative items may be set upon?

I think that would be called a "pedestal".