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Q: How were the artist of the wars of the 17th century affected?
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What was not a factor in the spread of the renaissance?

more wars.

What came first Italian Renaissance or English Renaissance?

The Renaissance begins in Italy, in the co called trecento (14th century), its artist is before all Giotto di Bondone, the writers are Giovanni Boccacio, Francesco Petrarca and, most the most important Dante Alighieri. The most important germ of Renaissance is the translation (and rescue) of Aristotle's philosophy, done by the Arabs in Spain: The struggle about it, whether it had to be taught in christian world or should be forbidden - as pope Gregor IX did in 1231 - passes the 13th century: Once the realistic philosophy adopted (and the plague survived), a new science, a new kind of thinking and even of being begins - inspired by the model of ancient culture. Or, models of ancient culture were rare in other countries than in Italy - at least in non-orthodox christian Europe, beyond of byzantine world. English Renaissance only started when the Tudors arose, after the Wars of Roses.

What is the artistic trends between the wars reflected a fascination with?

color and light

What was a patron in the Renaissance?

One who supported the arts. These included Lorenzo De Medici and the Borgia. Art was one of the elements that fueled the renaissance. Patrons could spend this money because they didn't need to spend money supporting wars and building armies.

Why the cities have more artisans than countryside?

so the colony is very complicated and that the colony is very hard to be in and you got to fight and be in wars with other colony's so yup so yeah have a great day.

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daddy harder

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They didn't. In the 17th century they there were several wars between the two countries, All fought by the navy. The issues were about the right to claim colonies and trade routes.

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During the Malay - Portugal wars in 1613, Singapore was set ablaze by Portuguese troops. The Portuguese subsequently held control in the 16th century and the Dutch in the 17th

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November 17th 2015

How many pages does Peasant Wars of the Twentieth Century have?

Peasant Wars of the Twentieth Century has 328 pages.

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What is one indicator that Europe in the 17TH century was filled with wars and bloodshed?

Oh, dead bodies lying on the battlefield, conscription, extra taxes to pay for the wars, men marching past in uniforms, horses pulling cannons...I'm guessing there were enough indicators that most people would figure it out //

In the Beaver Wars who fought the Iroquois and were competing to sell beaver pelts to the French in the 17th century?

The bloody and violent Beaver Wars pitted the Nations of the Iroquois Confederation, led by the dominant Mohawk, against the French-backed and mainly Algonquian-speaking tribes of the Great Lakes region.

Did 17th century Europe center around religion If so how was life in Europe influenced by this?

Religion was the center of life in Europe for centuries. Religion influenced lifestyle in all aspects, but is most known for causing wars and conflict.