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Q: How were medieval and Renaissance women artists most likely to learn their trade if they couldn't learn from a family member?
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What family financed most of the Renaissance artists?

The Medici family was the great patron of renaissance artists.

What impacts did the Medici family have during the Italian Renaissance?

providing patronage for renaissance artists

Why was the Medici family important to the development of the Renaissance?

patronage of Renaissance artists.

Why was the Medici family important to the renaissance of art?

patronage of Renaissance artists.

Why was the Medici family important to the development of the renaissance art?

patronage of Renaissance artists.

What was the Medici family influenced the development of Renaissance art by?

providing patronage for Renaissance artists

Many Renaissance artists benefited from the patronage of what prominant family?

Medici Family

Who were the artists and architects of the renaissance financially supported by?

the Medici family.

Who were some of the important people in the renaissance?

The Medici family, Leonardo da Vinci, Michaelangelo... mostly the artists and sculptors. The medici family payed these artists.

What influence did Florence have on the Renaissance?

It had a lot of importance because it was where the Medici family lived. The Medici family sponsored artists, such as Leonardo da Vinci, which helped encourage the Renaissance.

How did the Medici family facilitate the Renaissance?

The medici family facilitated the Renaissance as they had the wealth and power. They brought art and architecture, and introduced it to the people during the Medieval Period. This led to more knowledge which also led to the Renaissance. :)

Who were the merchants and bankers that commissioned several of the most well known artists to complete work for the Renaissance?

medici family