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Q: How much money do you get paid for art teacher?
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How much money does an art teacher make in a year?

Depends what school or bussness

How do Art teacher's use math?

when they figure how much money they make or how much paint or something to use for a project.

How much does an Art teacher get paid?

it really depends on the school some schools pay more and some pay less

How much does an art teacher make?

It depends if you are a good art teacher and who you work for

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you get paid money

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This really would all depend on what kind of art teacher you are referring to. Another thing that goes into effect is how many teaching or art degrees you have and what kind of school or institution you work at. In a public school system, it is said that the average salary of an art teacher is around $52,000. If a teacher teaches at a private school, he/she may be entitled to more of an income. Also, teaching at a university may entitle you to a higher income. The area in which the art teacher lives in can also affect the salary in which they are paid.

How much are Art Critics paid?

Art critics are paid approximately $84,000 annually. However, this will vary depending on which city the art critic primarily works in.

How much does a artist get paid per hour?

Most genuine artists are not paid by the hour. They are paid when they sell their art.

Is art teacher capitalized in your grandma is the art teacher?


How much would you make as an art teacher in Alberta?

This is a common misconception, since Canada has no real functioning economy, you would most likely be paid in either bags of milk or in blowjobs by mounties.

How much do art teachers make a week?

as an art teacher myself i make $20 per month