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This question is backward; should be: How does the Council of Trent relate to Art?

The answer is: The Council of Trent was the 19th ecumenical council of the Catholic church that last met in 1561 and defined what was acceptable in Art.

The art was expected to:

1. be realistic

2. be clear in what it is depicting

3. draw the faithful into devotion

4. be correct as far as the dogma of the Catholic Church is concerned.


The art resulting from the era immediately after the Council of Trent was known as Florid Baroque.

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Q: How does art relate to the council of Trent?
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What was one of the primary consequences of the Council of Trent in art and architecture?

The major consequence of the Council of Trent in art and architecture is known as Florid Baroque.

One of the primary consequences of the Council of Trent in art and architecture was what?

After the Council of Trent, nudity was no longer a part of religious artwork; even infants were depicted clothed. Artists no longer mixed Christian and Pagan subjects in the same painting, an altarpieces in churches became less intricate, so their subjects could be seen from a distance.

How does time relate to art?

The difference between false memories and true ones is the same as for jewels: it is always the false ones that look the most real, the most brilliant.

Which aspect of baroque art was best employed by the Counter-Reformation of the Catholic Church?

It's just the Catholic Church, not the Roman Catholic Church. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is rarely used by the Catholic Church. Baroque is an "ornate form of ecclesiastical art and architecture that begin in Italy in the seventeenth century and spread throughout the Continent. Its purpose was to infuse new life into the cold style of the later Renaissance. from Modern Catholic Dictionary by Fr. John Hardon, S.J. Below is a quote from the on-line History of Art study guide. We think of Baroque art as overdone and fussy, but it was a trend towards realism in its use of light, dark, and shade, and it projected the art out into the viewer's world, whereas previously, Renaissance art was sort of flat and stylized with clear demarcation lines. Baroque art was to stimulate piety and played a large part in the construction and ornamentation of many Churches from this period including much of the Vatican..From the History of Art, study guide: According to the Council of Trent and the Catholic Church artworks should be a clear, intelligible subject realistically interpreted in order to stimulate piety. This was part of the reason that the artwork turned towards naturalism, becoming emotionally engaging and intense.

Is art an adverb?

No, it is not. Art is a noun, which can be used as a noun adjunct in terms such as art school or art supplies.