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diffrent times and places

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Jishon Croom

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Q: How did the choice is school subjects change during the renaissance?
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How did the choice of schoole subjects change during the renaissance?

kimberly guardado is cool like me!

How did the choice of school subjects change during the Renaissance?

kimberly guardado is cool like me!

How did the choice of school subjects change during the the renaissance?

kimberly guardado is cool like me!

How did the choice of school subject change during the Renaissance?

During the Renaissance, the curriculum shifted from being primarily focused on religious teachings to include a broader range of subjects such as art, literature, philosophy, and science. Humanism played a significant role in promoting the study of classical works and the development of critical thinking skills. This expansion of subjects allowed for a more well-rounded education and contributed to the cultural and intellectual flourishing of the time.

How did writing change during the Renaissance?

Writing changed during the renaissance by the people developing their own writing called venacular

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Why did athletics change during the Harlem renaissance?

just becasue

How did polyphony change during the Renaissance?

it changed to homophonic texture

How did Europeans' way of thinking change during the Renaissance?

It was changed

How did England change during the renaissance?

1.) A major change was the separation from the church of Rome!

How did the social classes change during the renaissance?

A middle class was created

What was a major change during the renaissance?

shut the truck up ich