she still lives in london,
Bridget Riley Is Still Alive, Also She Is 86
the still life
Giorgio Morandi painted still life and natural forms.
Yes, Andy is still alive and was born in 1956.He takes pictures of his sculptures and then puts them on the internet to get fame.
She certainly is.
Yes, she does.
she still lives in london,
We shall see. She is still alive.
Bridget Riley Is Still Alive, Also She Is 86
She was born April 24 1931 in London England, is still alive.
She lived and still lives in London. I do not think her art would have been different if she had lived elsewhere.
bridget died in 1978 because her twin sister was a ghost ( a devil ghost ) and snapped her back and bit into her face .. THIS IS A TRUE STORY.
All painters do.
Phillip Dale Riley still alive and is he living in Ohio still