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Q: Could da Vinci have painted a picture 20 years of age in 1472?
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Could da Vinci have painted a picture at 20 years of age in 1472?


Could da vinci paint a picture at 20 years of age in 1472?


What does the Mona Lisa have to do with Leonardo da vinci?

Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. Which took him seven years to painted. He finished at the age of 58.

How old was Leonardo Da Vinci when he painted his first painting?

He was 20 years old

Who made the painting Mona Lisa?

No one knows anything about the woman in the painting. Many art experts think it could have been a self portrait. He had the painting with him when he died and had carried it with him for many years.

49 years ago today the Mona Lisa painting was shown in America for the first time Who painted the masterpiece?

Leonardo da Vinci painted the portrait.

Why is the portrait of Mona Lisa so famous?

Beacuse Leonardo Da Vinci painted it and it took about 2 years!

Why is the Mona Lisa portrait so famous?

Beacuse Leonardo da vinci painted it and it took about 2 years!

When was the Last Supper by vinci painted?

In 1498, if you mean the one by Leonardo. There are hundreds of others.

How old was sandro Botticilli when he painted the picture of Birth of Venus?

He painted the picture in 1485, when he was 40 years old. Thanks to "How to talk to children about art by Francoise Barbe-Gall"

When was the Mona Lisa painting finished?

The Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci, was created in the years 1503-1505 CE

Who made mona Lisa?

Leonardo Da Vinci made it he spent 13 years on the Mona Lisa's lips it was a painting of someones wife