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Seniors today are much healthier and more active than the seniors of 50 to 60 years ago. Most of the population in their 60s, 70s, 80s and even 90s don't even look their age or, if they're lucky, don't even feel it. That's why there are more health clubs around that cater to the senior population as well as the young people.

Health clubs are located across America in so many locations that there is sure to be one that isn't too far away. Some clubs may even offer transportation if the seniors don't drive or own a car. Health clubs that are the best ones for seniors will offer a lower price to join as a member. They will also have more low impact exercise classes and exercise machines that are much softer on the body for those who are just beginning to get into the workout habit.

For those seniors who have not always lived an active life and who are just learning how to exercise, a good health club should be able to let them have the use of a professional trainer. This trainer should know how to train elderly people on which exercises would work the best for them, and also which will be the safest ones to try. Even when they join the health club, they should have a medical report from their doctors so that the trainer can see exactly what they should or should not be doing. Doing workouts is supposed to be good for the health, and the seniors should never be attempting to do something that could harm them more than help them.

Low impact aerobic exercise is a popular activity that many seniors are doing today. They are getting the benefit of a cardio workout while working their bodies and muscles in a way that may keep their bodies more mobile as they get older. Even seniors who have Arthritis will benefit from exercises so that they won't feel as stiff by not moving at all. A stationery bicycle could be a good machine as long as it is started on low impact.

Before beginning any exercise regimen, the doctor should be consulted to be sure that it is a safe regimen.

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