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Heart disease is the Number 1 killer in the United States. There are many preventative measures that can be taken to help prevent Heart Disease. A wonderful and more promising preventative measure is a good heart Healthy Diet!

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Q: Will a good heart health diet help to prevent heart disease?
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it results in a heart disease!

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Keep a diet that is low in sodium (salt) and low in carbohydrates.

Does a diet high in lipids promotes overall health and well being?

Nope. Its actually not so great for you. It raises the risk for heart disease.

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Suggest a diet for hypothyroidism patient with chronic heart disease.

What are some of the foods that are recommended to help prevent heart disease?

Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids are known to prevent heart disease. These include shellfish and salmon. However, an overall healthy diet including fruits and vegetables is also important in preventing heart disease.

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What can I do to prevent heart disease?

To prevent heart disease, eat a balanced diet, exercise daily, and live a stress-free life. It is also good to stay in touch with your family doctor to make sure you're on the right track.

What are some good tips on how to prevent heart disease?

The number one thing that most people think will prevent or hold off on heart disease is their diet. People and doctors believe eating right and keeping cholestoral low will keep heart problems from presisting.