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The ignition coil is the transformer that puts out the voltage required to make a spark jump the points of a spark plug. this in turn lights the petrol which pushed down the piston.

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Q: Why would car need ignition coils?
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Related questions

How many ignition coils does a car have?

It depends upon cylinder in car. 3 ignition coils - 3 cylinder engine. 4 ignition coils- 4 cylinder engine.

How long do ignition coils last?

They can last the life of the car or can fail at any time. There is no real average.

Why would a car sputter and miss?

start with your ignition check your plugs and wires then your disributor or coils if that's not it try your fuel system like the filter or the fuel pump

Where is the ignition coil on a 2000 Volvo s40 located?

The car has two coils they sit on the sparkplugs for cylinders 1&2. There are wires which go to cylinders 3&$ from the coils.

Where is the ignition and distributor located on a 1990 Chevy Celebrity?

The 1990 Chevy Celebrity engine is distributorless, the ignition is handled by a combination of the engine control module(computer) and the ignition control module. You did not mention which engine the car has. If your car has the 4 cylinder engine the ignition control module is below the intake manifold at the rear of the engine. You can follow the spark plug wires to it. The coils are mounted to the ignition control module. If your car has the V6 the ignition control module is near the starter and again you can follow the spark plug wires to it. Again the coils are mounted to the ignition control module.

How many coils do a 1998 Lincoln Town Car signitutre series have?

On a 1998 Lincoln Town Car : It has the Coil On Plug ( C.O.P. ) ignition system with ( 8 ) individual coils ( 1 ) coil for each spark plug

When do you change rx8 spark plugs?

The coils die faster than the plugs! The RX8 Irridium plugs need to be changed at 25,000 miles per the maintenance manual. Replace the plugs and ignition coils when the car won't rev over 9,000 rpm smoothly.

If your car is jerking do you replace all the ignition coils?

You need to find out what is causing the jerking before replacing parts. A scan of the computer can reveal the problem and most auto parts store will do this for free.

Your car has trouble accerlatering you think the spark plugs are not getting full power?

Check plugs wires and ignition coils.

Does a 1999 Lincoln town car have a distributor cap?

No , it has the Coil On Plug ( C.O.P. ) ignition system with ( 8 ) individual coils

Where is the ignition module on a 1994 Chevy Cavalier?

It depends on what engine yu have but on a lot of them it is under the coils. If your car has a dist it is inside.

What is the ignition coil and where is it located?

Ignition coils are a vital part of any car, increasing the vehicle battery from six or twelve volts, depending on the car's age, to thousands of volts in order to spark the spark plugs and get the engine running. Not all vehicles are equipped with ignition coils, but the ones that do all have them in the same place -- adjacent to the spark plugs located on the right hand side of the engine.