The reason the heart wasn't removed from the corpse was because ancient Egyptians thought that the person would need the heart in the afterlife.
An artificial pump takes over from the heart during the operation.
It is known as a Grave.
No, the heart is placed on top of the left lung. That is why there are only two lobes on the left lung and three on the right. ONe lobe had to be removed in order for the heart to be placed. Although many people think the heart is in the centre of your lungs it is actually just in front of the left lung.
Death Watchers are a type of beetle that make a clicking sound. In the olden days when somebody had to watch the coffin all night long just to make sure that the dead person didn't wake-up or something, the faint tapping of the death watch beetle was often mistaken for the corpse trying to get out of the coffing. Reference to it was made to in 'The Tell-Tale Heart'.
Their heart wasnt removed because they had very pure hearts or the family was very rich. This all was for the after life.
because it was considered the wisdom of the person
Because the Egyptians thought it had to be kept to use in the after life!
it was left because it was believed to be the souls "home" and do what we know what the brain does
The heart actually was taken out. But then after it had been mummified it would be put back into place. The ancient Egyptians thought that the soul lived in the heart, so without it in place the soul was incomplete and therefore would not be able to move on to the afterlife.
litter was used to stuff the pharaohs corpse after the entrails have been removed
Yes, it can be removed but then the Ba wont get in the body because the heart is necessary in the mummification.
When the surface of the heart is removed.
You will die
The organ that is not removed from the body is the heart so that they can weigh it to see if you go to the underworld or not.
Zombie + Corpse = Ghoul
A stinking corpse lily is a lily that smells like a dead corpse. That's why it is called "corpse" lily. (: