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Emulsion paint is normally water based. Thinning and cleaning requires water rather than white spirit. Whatever paint you use, check on the can to make sure you know what is needed for thinning before you start to use it.

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14y ago
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11y ago

Yes, linseed oil can be mixed with white spirit when painting with oil paints. As an artist, I have to mix white spirit with linseed for the second layer of paint in a painting. As more layers are added, less white spirit is added to the mix, so that, by the time I get to the last layer, I am using neat linseed oil. This prevents the lower layers from depleting the last layer of oil, which would otherwise make it crack.

In decorating, too, one can add white spirit to linseed to dilute it. This can also be used, so I have read, to treat wood.

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9y ago

White spirit added to paint increases the gloss.

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12y ago

It's a thinner for many paints

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Q: Why paint can be remove by white spirit not water?
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Why can you get paint off with white spirit and not water?

Spirit based is oil based and oil and water don't mix. Use paint thinner or mineral spirits.

What is white spirit used for?

Why can't water wash paint of which has titanium dioxide but white spirit can?because the water has titanium dioxide in it so white spirit contains alcohol which is different than waterby me love you any more questions comment under this Thanksbye:* :)

Which stains does white spirit remove?

White spirit can effectively remove oil-based stains, grease stains, paint stains, and tar stains from surfaces. It is commonly used as a solvent to dissolve and clean these types of stains.

Why does white spirit take off paint?

White spirit takes off some enamels and alkyds.

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What will remove white spirit smell?

The best way to remove the smell of white spirit deodorant is to take a shower. You must use a strong soap.

How can you remove water spots from the paint on your car?

white vinagar or a scratch remover wax. good example meguairs scratchx

How can you remove white spots on car paintwork?

take paint brush, dip in red paint, brush over white spots ;)

Is isopropyl alcohol the same as surgical spirit?

No. White spirit is a turpentine substitute used for thinning paint or cleaning paint brushes or rollers. Surgical spirit is a mixture of ethanol, methanol (to make it undrinkable) and sometimes oil of wintergreen or methyl salicylate. On a similar note, methylated spirit is similar to surgical spirit but contains pyridine as well as methanol and a purple dye to make it undrinkable. It is used as a cleaner and a fuel.

How do you remove White spirit spilt on carpet?

To remove white spirit from carpet, blot up as much of the spill as possible with a clean cloth. Then mix a solution of warm water and mild dish soap, apply to the stain, and blot again. Rinse with clean water and blot until the stain is gone. Allow the carpet to air dry thoroughly.

Why can't water wash paint of which has titanium dioxide but white spirit can?

Water is not effective at removing paint with titanium dioxide because it is not a strong enough solvent to break down the paint. On the other hand, white spirit is a solvent that can dissolve substances like titanium dioxide, making it effective at removing paint that contains this ingredient.