No, not if it is not defective. If the ignition switch is defective then that is all you need to replace.
is it a ford? push the key in further and then turn it
I don't think you can bypass them.
No , it has the Coil On Plug ( C. O. P. ) ignition system
Remove the retaining ring from the top of your 1999 Chevy Cavalier ignition switch. Slide the ignition switch out and remove the wiring harness from the end of it.
where do I find the egr valve on a 1999 Chevy Cavalier?
why is my manual transmission slipping on my 1999 chev cavalier
What do I need to do if my 1999 chevy cavailer has water in the oil?
how do you reset the tension on a 1999 Chevy cavalier 2.4 litre
The 1999 Chevrolet Cavalier 2.2L engine has 115HP
2.2L Altenator on a 2.2L, AND, 2.4L on a 2.4L ONLY!
Overload or dead short in either one of the fixtures (remove bulb and check sockets one at a time) or in steering column