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Because it's an adrenalin - it increases heart rate, constricts blood vessels and dilates air passages

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Q: Why give epinephrine for heart attack?
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What is epenephrine and why is it sometimes used in relation to a heart attack?

I believe that its spelled Epinephrine and its just adrenaline thst is used in relation to a heart attack because Epinephrine binds to beta-adrenergic receptors on the heart muscle cells therefore that causes the contraction rate of the heart to increase and it then gets more blood-flow to the tissues in the body hope this helps!!! :)

Can high potassium in your blood give you a heart attack?

It may not give you a heart attack.

Can mice give themselves a heart attack?

NO, I think that mice can't give themselves a heart attack.

Is epinephrine a sedative?

Epinephrine is pure adrenaline. It won't put you to sleep when administered, but instead give your body a burst of energy and pump your heart rate up.

What is the definition of epinephrine?

A hormone that increases heart rate, narrows blood vessels, and dilates air passageways. It is produced in the adrenal glands above your kidneys. Patients with anaphylaxis(severe allergic reactions) are given epinephrine, along with patients having a heart attack.

What is the first drug of choice for acute heart failure?

Often epinephrine is given.epinephrine

Can you give water in an event of heart attack?


If someone worries about you can it bring stress to you and give you a heart attack?

No, if another person worries about you, it can't you to have a heart attack.

Does epinephrine lower heart rate?

No. Caffeine and epinephrine are both stimulants. Caffeine stimulates the Central Nervous System (CNS) while epinephrine (also called adrenaline) stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. These both increase heart rate.

Can epinephrine cause heart palpitations?


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