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Gout is the result of having too much uric acid in the blood stream. Normally the kidneys can cope with uric acid and removes it along with other impurity's in urine. Uric acid is metabolized when purines that come with all living cells pass through the body. when to much uric acid is produced to be effectively eliminated it reaches a point where it starts to form tiny sharp crystals which are usualy first noticed in joints of the extremitys like the big toe, but will also deposit in the ear lobes and other cooler parts of the body.

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Q: Why do people get gout?
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Related questions

Does vodca effect people with gout?

People with gout can have Vodca and rum.

Is goat milk bad for people with gout?

No, goat milk is not bad at all for people with gout. Actually, it is recommended that people having a gout attack drink goats milk as a natural remedy.

What happent to people with gout?

The number of people that have Gout is about 1-2 % of the population. Gout is pooling of fluid in the big toe that causes the toe to be swollen, hot and inflamed.

How can people avoid spreading gout?

Gout is not a communicable disease therefore people can not spread it like a cold for instance.

Where can people get gout?

People can get gout anywhere in the world. the condition is caused by elevated uric acid in the blood. usually through poor diet.

Who is likely to end up with hereditry gout if the farther has it .Is hereditry gout past down from the farther.?

some people have a hereditary condition making them more susceptible to gout

Do people with fibromyalgia often also develop gout?

People with fibromyalgia can develop gout as anyone else. There is nor correlation between the two disease and if you have fibromyalgia you are not more likely than anyone else to develop gout.

Will taking a water pill reduce pain when having a gout attack?

No, People with gout should avoid diuretics.

Are crablegs bad for a gout patient?

Crab meat is moderately high in purines and therefore should be avoided by people with gout.

Does alcohol cause Gout?

Most Alcoholic Beverages, especially those with yeast in them are known to exacerbate the condition in people with gout.

Can people with gout eat cornmeal?

A person who has gout can eat cornmeal without any issues. They can eat as much as they want, in moderation of course. Foods to avoid are sugar and fatty foods that can cause a buildup of uric acid which contributes to gout.

Are gout and diabetes linked?

It seems that out of the millions of people world wide that sufer from gout ,there is a large proportion of sufferers who also have Diabetes.