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Glass is actually made out of small particles of sand. Gravity pulls on these pieces of sand and after many years, can make the window seem uneven and inconsistent.

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Q: Why do old glass windows look wavy when you look through them?
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Why do old glass windows look wavywhen you look though them?

The reason old window glass sometimes looks wavy, is because old methods of producing glass did not produce perfectly clear or flat glass.

Can glass be made to look old and wavy?


Why does using ordinary glass in stained glass windows give distorted images and have bubbles?

A variety of glass is used when the artisan creates a stained glass window. Some glass, Art Glass, is created specifically for it's "flaws" to create a more interesting look. Glass that is manufactured is generally smoother on both sides whereas handcrafted and flattened glass can have a smooth side with a wavy or rough side along with bubbles. You can notice the difference quite well in older homes that pre-date the industrial age that still contain the original glass windows. You'll notice the refracted and varying thickness causes a distortion because the artisan had more primitive tools to work with. (Please note, just because there are flaws, wavy lines, or varying thickness doesn't mean the glass is very old. Many glass manufacturers now cater to the "antique" look) Sometimes, however, "ordinary" glass used to make stained glass windows might bubble or distort due to the heat of the soldering iron as they are the shatterproofed glass. They contain layers of plastic or laminants on top. This type of glass is not suitable for stained glass projects. If purchasing from a window store or glass shop, ask for pieces of glass that have not been treated.

How do you get your hair to look like Bella Swan?

Her hair is brown, a little long, wavy. You just part it in the middle (a little off) and make it a little wavy. If its not brown, dye it. To get it wavy, curl it, then run your fingers through it.

What does the aplitude look like for a low sound?

well, it will look all wavy, reaaal wavy. very high amplitude

How do you make hair look wavy?

You can use a straight iron, twisting and turning it as you run it through your hair. It works good for me.

How do you explain the effect snowfalls have on sound?

Spiky or wavy surfaces have the effect of damping sound. Snow is spiky if you look through a microscope at it.

What did Hair in the 50s look like?

curly and wavy.

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a wavy line

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Just look at it

When you straighten wet and wavy and then get tired of wearing it straight can you wet it to get it wet and wavy again would the waves look the same as before or would it look a mess?

I'm 12 years old, what is this?

How do you get your hair to look pretty if it is curly and wavy at the same time?

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