Not all college girls feel this way, but the ones that do might find it childish because they prefer other programs and only enjoyed Cartoons when young. In actuality, many adults enjoy cartoons and many college girls find it adoringly childlike rather than childish, which carries a negative connotation. Additionally, many college girls watch cartoons themselves. My advice is to seek out those girls rather than the ones who have you frustrated enough to ask random online people for advice.
I assure you that all college girls do not do this, but the ones that do might like other programs and want to watch something else, and want to watch the programs with that college guy. In any case, if you don't want to be bullied, walk away. No one is forcing you to hang out with college girls that bully you.
You can watch cartoons on websites like youtube, You can also try
friends are saying that so they look better than you i still watch cartoons and there's nothing wrong with it so they just want to look cool.
well actually the girls do watch more naruto then the boys do which is kind of wierd if you think about it but yes the girls watch more naruto than boys
you can watch cartoons at any age. it doesn't matter how old you are. you can watch them at any age and that would still be o.k but if your truly embarrassed by it you can watch them and not tell anyone but either way it's still o.k to.
i am 19 and have never been criticized since i only watch anime but the people who do that are probably just thinking that it is immature content like they wathced when they were children however i wouldn't see that as the case as quite a lot of anime and cartoons are made for older people to watch
Actually most other men criticize you on what you watch. But I'm sure girls do it to, I personally watch cartoons and girls think its interesting but your case may be different.
They are jealous of your childish sense of wonder and enthusiasm towards the world.
because most girls don't watch cartoons. it's not something they think they will enjoy, and think is waste of time. but most girls like cartoons once they start watching them. so just ignore the insults, and maybe ask her to watch it with you.Another PerspectivePerhaps it has something to do with some other things people are saying about girls these days: more graduate from college; more are finding employment in the workplace and more are in management; girls have better verbal skills; girls are more mature and self directed.
there are many women out there that like to watch cartoons too :)
I don't know, I'm 17 (almost 18) and I watch cartoons and no one gives me a hard time really. Maybe they just don't understand, alot of adults get the mentality that cartoons are for kids, try getting them to watch family guy one time then they can't say cartoons are only for kids.
because cartoons are not what an adult should watch unless he has kids. ___ On the contrary, many adults watch cartoons, and it is okay. That girl obviously doesn't like cartoons, but that doesn't mean no girls like them, or that they are any worse to watch than some of the "adult" shows that can be stupid too. There is no rule in adulthood that says you can't watch cartoons. I am an adult, and there are some cartoons that I enjoy watching.
Because it is immature and childish!
Cartoons are often thought of as kids' novelties. So they think you're immature and not deserving of respect. No disrespect on my part; I love cartoons too.
no everybody just watches what they want to watch i also am a college student im 19 years old and watch just about only anime
It makes them feel as if you haven't grown up yet. Personally I find it ridiculous, cartoons will always be awesome. End of story.
No , it is not unusual for an adult to watch cartoons daily .
well a stereotype about college students is that their adults basically and wont do immature things and people believe cartoons are for kids because of suggestions by watching TV and it says cartoons are immature, books and etc. so people think stereotypically that college students are mature enough to not watch cartoons and are criticized when doing something stereotypically immature