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because you run them to hard and it causes wear and tear. Specialy when you drive alot at high rpms it causes metal to metal.

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Q: Why do car cylinders loose pressure?
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Why does your car drive to the left?

Your alignment is off. Take to mechanic to have it re-aligned. Inexpensive to correct. Low tire pressure? Loose steering component? Bent component?

Should an automatic car shudder when turned on?

No - have you checked that it is firing on all cylinders - Sounds like the engine is mis firing or not firing on all cylinders.

Car cranks - New starter new timing chain new fuel pump new sparks and wires. takes 10 second to start After starting once it starts fine the rest of the day. Could the carburetor be the problem?

what kind of car is this? i would inspect for fuel pump bleed down,if its efi,do so by instaling a fuel pressure gauge,start vehicle and monitor pressure, than shut the vehicle off the pressure should loose no more than 5psi in 5 min. what kind of car is this? i would inspect for fuel pump bleed down,if its efi,do so by instaling a fuel pressure gauge,start vehicle and monitor pressure, than shut the vehicle off the pressure should loose no more than 5psi in 5 min.

Why would gas go into oil pan?

Here is a general list in a loose order of likely hood:One of the cylinders has quit runningThe car would not start and has been badly floodedOne of the injectors has failed openIf the car is old enough an engine mounted fuel pump could fail, these go with carburetor engines onlyCarburetor trouble

Will a car battery charge wile driving if the negative termanal is loose?

No, the alternator will not charge the battery with the negative terminal loose.

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