DiZ needed Roxas to awaken Sora, so Riku awaited Roxas in Memory's Skyscraper. When Roxas fought and defeated Riku, Riku had to release his heart's darkness and assume Xehanort's Heartless' appearance to finally restrain and capture Roxas.
Axel wants Xion to return to Organization XIII, but she wanted to return to Sora. At the same time, Xion pretty much wantedto be eliminated, because Namine told Xion that if Xion returns to Sora, she'd return Sora's memories so he can reawaken and destroy Organization XIII.
Yes. Riku could see just fine with his blindfold on. It is not meant to blind him, It is meant to stop the darkness in his heart from awakening. We see this when Riku takes his blindfold off and turns into Ansem in Kingdom Hearts II.
This is also the beginning of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Sora says goodbye to Kairi, then he is on this road which breaks into two paths. He then takes the right path, and falls asleep. Look into the beginning of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories to see the rest.The real ending can only be viewed if you seal every single world, including Olympus, and get all 99 dalmatian puppies, and max out the journalAfter defeating Ansem, you will see two hooded guys fighting in a dark futuristic city, The World that Never Was, with one of the guys wielding two keyblades at once, along with neo shadows, the upgrades of the little tykes you fight in the first game.the two guys are riku and roxas(add to this, some people believe that this ties with the 3rd game)Actually, Kingdom Hearts 2 shows the opening of Chain of Memories.Sora and Kairi reunite, only to be parted by a huge crack. Sora promises to come back for her, and Kairi watches helplessly as Sora disappears.
There is no game like that, but it would so freakin awesome if there was. Because roxas would beat ichigo. Fighting double keyblade and easily stop 2nd hollow ichigo form. then ichigo would beg for his pathetic life, and roxas would be like your summer vacation's over punk.
Riku is only playable towards the end of Kingdom Hearts II, for a short period of time. During the final boss battle against Xemnas, Sora is captured and Riku must stop Xemnas from destroying him. It's only a brief sequence and is nothing permanent.
Riku defeated Roxas at Memory's Skyscraper in The World That Never Was.
Riku would most likely have tracked Roxas down, and finally released the darkness within him to stop Roxas. The only way that Roxas wouldn't have been stopped in the first place would be if Riku hadn't used the power of darkness at Memory's Skyscraper.
*WARNING-SPOILERS*Towards the end of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, after Xion is defeated by Roxas, she requests that he "stop Xemnas". Roxas unquestionably ventured to The World That Never Was. He was confronted by Riku who defeated him by giving in to the darkness in his heart. Riku gave him to DiZ to have Roxas's memories erased so that Sora can be fully restored.
Axel wants Xion to return to Organization XIII, but she wanted to return to Sora. At the same time, Xion pretty much wantedto be eliminated, because Namine told Xion that if Xion returns to Sora, she'd return Sora's memories so he can reawaken and destroy Organization XIII.
Roxas was heading for Kingdom Hearts because Xion told him to stop Xemnas, and free all the hearts that were collected during their time in the Organization.
Yes. DiZ planned to stop Roxas when Sora's memories were beginning to be restored. DiZ wanted to foil the Organization's plan, so he ordered Riku to stop Roxas. DiZ then put Roxas in a virtual Twilight Town to be safe from the Organization. DiZ wanted Sora to become whole again so that Sora could defeat Organization XIII, but this was impossible if Roxas was still active in the Organization.
When Riku's limit is activated, he says "You can't stop me".
*SPOILERS*After Roxas leaves the Organization, he goes to the Clock Tower in Twilight Town, where he fights Xion. Once Roxas defeats Xion in 4 battles, Xion starts to fade away and asks Roxas to stop Xemnas and free Kingdom Hearts. Roxas then ventures to The World That Never Was, where Riku confronts and defeats Roxas by finally releasing the darkness within Riku's heart. Riku gives Roxas to DiZ, who then erases Roxas' memory of the Organization and places him in a virtual Twilight Town. This is where Kingdom Hearts II begins.
No, a skyscraper cannot stop a tornado. Tornadoes are extremely powerful natural forces that can cause significant damage to structures, including skyscrapers. However, a well-designed and sturdy skyscraper may be able to withstand some of the impacts of a tornado.
Yes. Riku could see just fine with his blindfold on. It is not meant to blind him, It is meant to stop the darkness in his heart from awakening. We see this when Riku takes his blindfold off and turns into Ansem in Kingdom Hearts II.
This is also the beginning of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Sora says goodbye to Kairi, then he is on this road which breaks into two paths. He then takes the right path, and falls asleep. Look into the beginning of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories to see the rest.The real ending can only be viewed if you seal every single world, including Olympus, and get all 99 dalmatian puppies, and max out the journalAfter defeating Ansem, you will see two hooded guys fighting in a dark futuristic city, The World that Never Was, with one of the guys wielding two keyblades at once, along with neo shadows, the upgrades of the little tykes you fight in the first game.the two guys are riku and roxas(add to this, some people believe that this ties with the 3rd game)Actually, Kingdom Hearts 2 shows the opening of Chain of Memories.Sora and Kairi reunite, only to be parted by a huge crack. Sora promises to come back for her, and Kairi watches helplessly as Sora disappears.
There is no game like that, but it would so freakin awesome if there was. Because roxas would beat ichigo. Fighting double keyblade and easily stop 2nd hollow ichigo form. then ichigo would beg for his pathetic life, and roxas would be like your summer vacation's over punk.