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Many people find it easier and more comfortable to do "creative work" in the evening (well into the night) rather than in the daytime. They claim to write better and more freely, to paint in a more "present" yet relaxed and focused state of mind.

This could be attributed to two things:

In the latter part of the day, some of the more logical, task-oriented parts of the brain (as well as the body) may be tired. This fatigue causes a relaxing and freeing up of creativity in the same way that an alcoholic beverage might lower one's inhibitions (one can't be too creative if simultaneously self-conscious). The closer some get to drowsy, in fact, the more the creative ideas seem to flood. (David Lynch famously credits the bulk of his creativity to meditation, the deeply relaxing practice that relieves the individual of the tyranny of self-conciousness.)

Second, but I think even more significant, is that our bodies do not operate the same way at any given two points in the day. Our bodies have a rhythm that correspond to our sleep schedule, not to the position of the Sun in the sky.

Certain ailments give greater pain in the morning than later, due to varying levels of certain hormone production throughout the day. Our metabolisms do in fact operate in "shifts."

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Q: Why are some people better drawing at night than during the day?
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