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hey- this thing same exact thing happened to me and then my van starting overheating, a mechanic is coming over tonight so I will update then but...... here are a few things that i have been told... thermastat,flush radiator,fan relay, water pump or just a fuse. What kind of car do you have?

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

most fans will complete their cycle before stopping...if your fan runs on for more than a minute or so then you may have a proper problem

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Q: Why Fan runs after the ignition is turned off?
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check your relay for the cooling fan and fuelpump

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The fan is on a thermostat, causing the fan to run if cooling is required, even when the car ignition is turned off. Having said that, if you notice that the fan is running long after you've shut the engine off, you may have a problem!

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The second fan is usually for the when the air conditioning is turned on and only comes on when the a/c is on.

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The coolant fan continues to run after the engine has cooled and then turned off. The fan continues to run and runs the battery down.

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This is normal. fan runs until temperature senser says it is cool enough.

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It could be that the fan switch on the thermostat is turned on so the fan runs all the time not just when the A/C or heat is on. This is supposed to be the most efficient method.

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The cooling fan is supposed to keep running as long as the coolant is over temperature. If it runs too long, it could be the temperature sensor or a stuck relay. If the relay has become magnetized or fused, you need to replace it.

Why does an engine keep running when ignition key is turned off?

Its not your engine. Its the fan running to cool the engine down. They all do it and nothing is wrong with your car.

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It is normal for the fan to run after shutdown with the engine hot for a short time ( a few minutes tops) if it runs longer than a few minutes suspect the thermofan switch in the lower ( or battery side tank) tank has failed.

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If the fan keeps running it's because it is electric and wired through a temperature switch not the ignition. Electric Fan running is independent of engine running. When the temperature is high enough to start the fan, it goes on. when the temp drops the fan goes off. Temp does not drop right away when the car is turned off. It can actually rise several degrees when the engine is turned off. The fan running after engine shut off is actually a good thing that may prevent radiator overflow

What is the noise on a 206 when engine is turned off?

I'm not a gambling man but I would risk a shilling that the radiator fan is running Peugeot fans are not ignition controlled, and do start at times after the engine is switched off.