the spartans had more of a war like government whereas athens was education oriented.
Athens had a unique government, a direct democracy. This meant that every Athenian citizen voted on laws and legislation. Sparta was ruled by two kings and a 28 member council of elders.
The Athenian government was trying to be a democracy but did not succeed. The Spartans government was entirely different. The Spartans had an Oligarchy and a Monarchy. An Oligarchy is a government or council ruled by few people.
that people would be able to elect their government
the PARTHENON is in Greece, on the Athenian Acropolis to be exact.
They didn't
free men apex
free men apex
how was the Athenian government ruled prior to democracy
Grown men of athenian origan
Free men who owned land.
no clue people sorry! lol
all males regardless of their social class
Free man only not women or slaves...=(
In the general context of "government," something true and important about the ancient Athenian government is that, during the Classical Period in Greece, it was organized as a democracy. While it was not a "pure" democracy, since only relatively few citizens were able to vote and hold public office, it was nonetheless the first appearance of democracy in Western Civilization.
no it was direct.
They both partook in orgies.