Records of the first years of the show are not readily available and those that are start in 2002. However, the first ever castaway was comedian Vic Oliver
Website for iti exam results please?
Please reword your answers...
Alcheringa, meaning iternity :)
Everything Anything
No.The sentence in the question should be - Pass me the pen please - but there is no adjective in this sentence.Pass me the red pen please - red is an adjective.The is never an adjective it is always an article. There are three articles a/an/the. Articles come before nouns.Pass me the pen please. - because the is used in this sentence we assume the people talking know which pen - one particular pen - they are talking about.Pass me a pen please - in this sentence a pen means any pen no particular pen.Pass me an orange please - use an when the noun after a/an/the starts with a vowel.
please tell me ----
okay i wrote this question and.... ive looked at so many websites they all say 2nd island or 3rd island and they say its spiky. the only places i can go are *The island the game started on* *deep jungle* *pier beach* *shipwrecked lagoon* Tell me please which one of those places it is at and what it looks like :) I need it for raft. please help me!!
Please don't desert me!
Who or what are 'they.' Please be specific.
Which African desert? Please he specific. Sahara, Kalahari or Namib?
Each desert has different weather statistics. Please pick a specific desert area.
i still dont know yet:/ someone please answer but to be honest it probably not even true
Emaciated means gaunt or extremely thin so a good sentence could be: The young, homeless male was emaciated due to the lack of food. or Several kids in Africa suffer with being emaciated every day and we do very little to help them.
Each desert has its particular climate statistics. Please specify a location.
Your question makes no sense, please elaborate or post another question. Also, why is this question under weddings and marriages?
but i clicked on prepare food but their is only seafood sticks and tomato soup HELP ME PLEASE?
Who are 'they'? Please be a bit more specific.