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Artemis was the hunting goddess, associated with wild animals and woodlands. She was also the goddess of unmarried women. She also later became a moon goddess.

The Greek goddess Artemis is considered to be both the goddess of the Hunt and the moon. Her twin brother, Apollo, is the god of poetry and the sun. Her Roman counterpart is called Diana.
In Greek myth, the goddess of hunt is Artemis.


Her Roman counterpart is Diana.


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13y ago

The goddess of the hunt was Artemis. The goddess of the moon was Selene (daughter of Hyperion, one of the Titans). It wasn't until later theogenies that the two were combined. It should be noted, though, that even now, the Greek word for Moon is Selene

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14y ago

Artemis in the Greek: Diana in the Roman. Same godess, different names.

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Greek Goddess of the Hunt?

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The ancient Greek goddess Artemis is the goddess of the Hunt, the moon, animals, virginity, and the wild.

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The Roman goddess of the Hunt is Diana and the Greek goddess of the Hunt is Artemis. Diana/Artemis was also the goddess of the moon, virginity, and childbirth. She was the protector of girls and newborn animals.

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Greek god of the hunt?

The Greek goddess of the hunt is Artemis. She is also goddess of the Moon and femininity. Her Brother is Apollo, god of the sun, music, poetry and many other things.