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Artists have employed the use of perspective for eons, however wobbly.

Atmospheric perspective (where we see mountains receding into the mist and fog) has been used in Chinese and Japanese painting as well as in that of Northern Europe and Scandinavia.

The person to really nail down linear perspective was engineer/architect Fillipo Brunelleschi. He is the one who came up with the iron-clad laws of vanishing points and perspective grids. This forever changed drawing and painting.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Often times, it is noted to be Brunelleschi but more artists came and perfected it. (Like Piero Della Francesca and Andrea Mantegna)

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Italians can be said to have been the first people to use perspective in art. This is based on the fact that Filipo Brunelleschi was the first one to use and demonstrate it.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

the pope.

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βˆ™ 12y ago


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Where has perspective been used in art?

Perspective is used in nearly all art, except for abstract art. A style that intentionally ignores the rules of perspective is called Naive Art.

What is perspective art?

In art, "perspective" is the viewpoint of the artist and the audience. Some art is made from an overhead perspective, such as a pictorial survey of a city; other art is made from a ground-level perspective or from a distance. There are also ways to distort the perspective and to deliberately incorporate several different perspectives into one piece.

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In art, "perspective" is the viewpoint of the artist and the audience. Some art is made from an overhead perspective, such as a pictorial survey of a city; other art is made from a ground-level perspective or from a distance. There are also ways to distort the perspective and to deliberately incorporate several different perspectives into one piece.

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Yes, it did. Perspective gives art a three dimentional look, or view.

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it had perspective just like renaissance art.

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Who invented realism art?

Michaelangelo invented realism art in 1758

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linear perspective

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