Architecture was invented around the neolithic period around 10 000 BC
Ancient architecture was limited to what you could achieve with stone (and concrete). Modern architecture is limited by what you can achieve with steel, reinforced concrete and glass.
1.Modern architecture has no boundation that's why we can design any type of building in modern architectue. 2.We can use a variety of materials now , according to our need. 3.We can use history knowledge , for designing new structures.
Depending on the type modern architecture can utilize both past, present and future technologies and design. A major distinction between the two are the future architecture increasingly focuses on function such as energy conservation and earthquake resistance and then combining them with aesthetics.
Wrigley field, Chicago Illinois Empire State Building, New York The White House, Washinton, D.C.
Ju rgen Joedicke has written: 'A HISTORY OF MODERN ARCHITECTURE' 'A history of modern architecture' -- subject(s): Modern Architecture 'Office buildings' -- subject(s): Architecture, Building, Designs and plans, Office buildings 'A history of modern architecture' 'Architecture since 1945; sources and directions' -- subject(s): Architecture, Modern, Modern Architecture
Julie Decker has written: 'Modern north' 'Modern north' -- subject(s): Modern movement (Architecture), Architecture and climate, Influence, Architecture, Modern Architecture 'Modern north' -- subject(s): Modern movement (Architecture), Architecture and climate, Influence, Architecture, Modern Architecture 'Once upon a time' -- subject(s): American Narrative art, Art appreciation, Exhibitions, Folklore in art, Juvenile literature, Narrative art
Lorcan O'Herlihy has written: 'Lorcan O'Herlihy' -- subject(s): American Architecture, Architecture, Architecture, American, Architecture, Modern, Modern Architecture
Architecture was invented around the neolithic period around 10 000 BC
Adolf Loos has written: 'Adolf Loos 1870-1933' -- subject(s): Architectural models, Architecture, Designs and plans, Domestic Architecture, Exhibitions, Modern Architecture 'Die Potemkin'sche Stadt' -- subject(s): Intellectual life, Modern Architecture, Modern Art 'Das Andere' 'On Architecture' 'On architecture' -- subject(s): Architecture, Modern Architecture
Zaha Hadid has written: 'Planetary architecture two' -- subject(s): Architects, Architecture, Modern, Exhibitions, Interviews, Modern Architecture 'Zaha M. Hadid' -- subject(s): Architectural drawing, Architecture, Modern, Designs and plans, Modern Architecture 'Global Architecture Document Extra'
Kenneth Naversen has written: 'West Coast Victorians' -- subject(s): Architecture, Domestic, Architecture, Modern, Architecture, Victorian, Domestic Architecture, Modern Architecture, Victorian Architecture
Edgar Jones has written: 'Industrial architecture in Britain' -- subject(s): Architecture, Industrial, Architecture, Modern, Great Britain, Industrial Architecture, Modern Architecture
Richard George Rogers has written: 'Architecture, a modern view' -- subject(s): Architecture, Modern, Modern Architecture 'Cities for a small planet'
Francis Rambert has written: 'Architecture tomorrow' -- subject- s -: Architecture, Modern, Modern Architecture 'Massimiliano Fuksas' -- subject- s -: Architecture, Criticism and interpretation, Pictorial works 'Claude Vasconi' -- subject- s -: Architectural practice, International, Architecture, Modern, Criticism and interpretation, International Architectural practice, Modern Architecture
Bruno Zevi has written: 'Erich Mendelsohn' -- subject(s): Catalogs, Expressionism (Architecture), Modern Architecture, Notebooks, sketchbooks 'Architectura in nuce' -- subject(s): Architecture 'Towards an organic architecture' -- subject(s): Modern Architecture 'Poetica dell'architettura neoplastica' -- subject(s): Modern Architecture 'Giuseppe Terragni' -- subject(s): Architecture 'Storia dell'architettura moderna' -- subject(s): Modern Architecture