Christmas is on the day that Jesus was born, which was Dec. 25.
The Bible doesn't say what day or even what year Jesus was born. In about the 4th century Christians began to celebrate Jesus' birth to coincide with pagan celebrations in order to make Christianity more acceptable to pagans. When Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper he said "...this do in remembrance of me." Luke 22:19 People the world over remember Jesus on December 25, but he said to remember him at the Lord's Supper.
Alternative Theory:
Likely, it was ancient prophets (astrologers or Magi) with agreement with Germanic pagan astrologers.
Germanic pagans celebrated Yuletide for 12 days, over the winter solstice period. The winter solstice marked faith in the rebirth of the sun. Post pagan Christians celebrated the same astrological and seasonal event as witness to Christ's birth, which is analogous to the birth of sun. Much Christian/Gnostic art displays Jesus superimposed over the sun. The agreement by Germanic pagans to convert to Christianity involved celebrating Christ's mass in the ancient pagan tradition.
Note: There is a possible link between Christianity and Constantine's pre-catholic cult of Sol Invictus (Mithraism).
The agreement also marked the conversion from the lunar calendar to the solar (Julian) calendar. Julian calendars mark 25th December as the winter solstice.
Astronomical event: On 25th December, The 3 stars of Orion's belt and Sirius line up with the sunrise. Astrologically, the stars of Orion's belt can be thought to represent the 3 wise king's or magi. The star, Sirius, can also be thought to represent the star of Bethlehem.
Whether or not No one Will Know Why People Celebrate Christmas On December 25.
It was chosen because it was all ready a day used in the Pagan calendar to celebrate the Winter solace. The Catholic church decided to change the day into a religious celebration instead of adding a new one so they took the day everyone all ready were using. Jesus was born sometime in June or July. If you read the story it states that shepards were watching their flocks and if it had been in the winter they wouldn't have been out that late at night it would be too cold. There are other clues. The census that was taken was also done in the Spring and not in the winter.
It was chosen by the Christian Church, in the 4th century AD that the Feast of Christmas would be on December 25th, since it was 12 days before the Feast of Epiphany; the number 12 is considered to be of biblical significance. (12 tribes of Israel, 12 disciples of Christ, etc)
This is the 12 days of Christmas
According to Wikipedia (see related links), the earliest record was around AD 379. A: The earliest known references point to the mid fourth century, but could have been earlier. There is no precise start date, as Christmas was honored at different times. It became firmly set on the 25th by established tradition sometime in the early Middle Ages (after ~400AD) .
Its not an important date as far as i know but it was the day thay Hitler announced the extermintion of Jews.
Click link below to read about him and his paintings.
Sean Foreman was born on December 3, 1986 in Kauffman, TX. For rel, on the date is 27th august....
There is no date. Expiration depends on wear. However, you may find the production date on a tire. Look for the DOT numbers on what would be the inside of the tire. Example, DOT 02112 would be the 21st week of 2012 that tire was produced.
Christmas started when Baby Jesus was born on December 25th to the virgin Mary who was engaged to Joseph. I hope this helps, if not, sorry. Pope Julius I chose December 25th as the date to celebrate the birth of Christ. The bible does not actually give the date of his birth so the church chose a date to recognize it.
Christmas is celebrated on December 25th each year as the traditional date to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.
Christmas started when Baby Jesus was born on December 25th to the virgin Mary who was engaged to Joseph. I hope this helps, if not, sorry. Pope Julius I chose December 25th as the date to celebrate the birth of Christ. The Bible does not actually give the date of his birth so the church chose a date to recognize it.
The date of Christmas is on 25th December
CHRISTMAS is on December 25, the birthday of Jesus Christ.
The origin of Christmas is Jesus Christ's Birthday. No one decided it, it was Christ's birthday. Thus, the name Christ- mas
Christmas is celebrated on December 25th each year. To determine the number of days until Christmas, you would need to calculate the difference between the current date and December 25th. For example, if today is November 30th, there would be 25 days until Christmas.
December 25th
Christmas is on the 25th of December in France.
England's Christmas is on the 25th of December and boxing day, the day after (26th of December.)
25th of december
December 25th.