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In the forearm, and it passes through what is referred to as the carpal tunnel formed by the transverse carpal ligament between the hamate hook and the trapezium carpal bones.

Good thing you're not a doctor... it's on the THUMB-SIDE OF THE WRIST... NOT THE FOREARM.

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14y ago
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15y ago

A pulse can only be felt where there is a moderately hard surface behind the artery. The radial artery is the most common place to take a pulse because it runs right over the top of all the bones of the wrist.

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16y ago

Major artery that carries blood to the lower arm along the side by the thumb.

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11y ago

It overlies the radius, the main bone in the forearm.

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12y ago

anterior spinal artery or posterior intercostal artery

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Q: Where is the radial artery?
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What is the name of the artery in your wrist where you check your pulse?

The radial artery is the one that is used to take a pulse at the wrist.

Which artery runs in the radial groove with radial nerve?

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In your wrist it's the radial

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Radial arteriorrhaphy is the medical term meaning suture of the radial artery.

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The vessel after the axillary artery, before it branches into the radial artery and ulnar artery is called the brachial artery.

What is the name of the artery located on the bottom of the wrist that is used when taking a pulse?

That is the Volar Radial Carpal artery, or just Radial artery, for short.

What is the common pulse artery in the forearm?

The radial artery

What branches into medial ulnar and lateral radial arteries?

The brachial artery branches into the ulnar and radial arteries. The brachial artery is the main artery of the arm.

What blood vessel is used to check pulse rate?

The radial pulse is checked for vital signs.

Artery that splits to form the radial and ulnar artery?

The Brachial artery, I believe.

Trace blood from aortic arch to left radial artery?

From the aortic arch, blood flows through the left subclavian artery, then into the axillary artery, followed by the brachial artery. From the brachial artery, blood then reaches the radial artery in the forearm, supplying the distal part of the arm and hand with oxygenated blood.

Artery generally used to take the pulse at the wrist?

Radial artery (lateral or thumb side of lower arm).