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== == Musée du Louvre in Paris, France. In fact, Mona Lisa is owned by the french government so she will probably never leave there again.

If you are going to be in Paris for several days and plan to visit several museums, I recommend purchasing a Paris Museum Pass. It gets you into almost all of Paris's major tourist attractions, including The Louvre. Museum pass holders are permitted to bypass the regular queue, which is quite long and often wraps around the perimeter of the museum, and enter through a special side entrance with little or no wait. (For more information about the Paris Museum Pass, try searching Google with the search form on the right.) Once inside the museum, many visitors are literally overwhelmed by the sheer size and scope of the building and most Americans are taken aback by the amusement park sized crowds The Louvre draws. There are countless signs posted all over the museum with arrows pointing the way toward The Mona Lisa, which is located in the Denon Wing. At times, the arrows can be somewhat confusing, but my advice would be to follow the crowds. The closer you get to the Mona Lisa, the thicker the crowds will be. When you get really close, you will actually encounter a roped off queue area. When you get to this point, I would recommend either hiding your camera or putting it away. Taking pictures of the Mona Lisa is not officially allowed, although you will see many people sneaking pictures anyway and, truthfully, the security staff is so overwhelmed by the amount of people taking pictures that it's virtually impossible for them to stop diehard shutterbugs. As long as you're discreet or are thick skinned enough to tolerate some scolding from security in the event you are caught, you will be able to snap a picture or two, even if it's not technically permitted. The major reason for not allowing photographs is damage to paintings from flashes, so please turn the flash off, and many rooms do allow photographs. You should also be prepared to experience only a walk by view of the painting. On extremely busy days, the museum staff steadily ushers onlookers past the painting in order to keep the crowds moving at a fairly steady pace. If you have always visualized yourself standing in front of the Mona Lisa for hours while contemplating the meaning behind her smile, I am sorry to have to be the one to disappoint you, but pausing in front of her is often not permitted because it interferes with crowd control.

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13y ago

The Mona Lisa painting hangs in the Louvre, Paris, France

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The Mona Lisa is located at the Louvre in Paris.

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The Mona Lisa may be found in the Louvre in Paris.

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12y ago

The Mona Lisa is currently located in Paris, France in the Louvre gallery.

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The Louvre Museum, Paris, France

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In the Louvre museum, Paris.

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