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The Pokemon Fan Club is in Vermillion City.

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Q: Where is Pokemon fun club in heart gold?
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How good is Pokemon Gold heart?

Heatgold is a really fun game, and is exactly the same soulsilver exept for different Pokemon like heartgold has growlithe and soulsilver has vulpix.

What are fun ds games?

I have a lot of fun D.S. games about Pokemon. Here are some of them: Pokemon Fire Red - Leaf Green is almost the same as Fire Red Pokemon Heart Gold (The best so far in my opinion) - SoulSilver is almost the same Pokemon Sapphire - Ruby is almost the same Pokemon Diamond - Pearl is almost the same Plus, in Spring 2011 for America, Pokemon Black & White Versions are coming out that look awesome! You can now battle with three Pokemon at a time. I hope that this helped. Good Luck in finding good Pokemon games! P.S. I think that Pokemon Heart Gold is the best so far.

What is more popular Pokemon or club penguin?

Club Penguin is one of the most fun games ever, but Pokemon is more popular because they have more games and merchandise.

How can you get Pokemon Sapphire?

ok, sapphire and emerald werent really fun at all, they were ok, but now their only use is to send the Pokemon on them to platinum or heart gold and soul silver. if u really want one ask gamestop

Which Pokemon game and sysytem should you get ive only played third generation and below and want a ds one?

I personally recommend pokemon Heart Gold, Soul Silver, Pearl, Diamond, Black and White. They are a lot of FUN!

Gold Pokemon card 1999?

A gameboy color game known to be very fun

In Pokemon SoulSilver where is Rayquaza?

You have to get both Soul Silver and Heart Gold for Rayquaza to appear. In Soul Silver you catch Groudon in Heart Gold you catch Kyogre. Then you have to put them both in one game and go talk to Prof. Oak. Then he will tell you about Rayquaza and give you a jade orb and finally you get to catch him. He is Lv.50. have fun! :)

Is Pokemon HeartGold cool?

Stating Pokemon Heartgold is cool is a matter of opinion. However, here are some opinions below: 1. YES. Pokémon Heart Gold (and Soul Silver) are VERY cool. I REALLY suggest that you buy it! 2. I totally agree!! They are both really fun and are great for Pokemon fans!!

Does action replay work on soulsilver?

yes you can but its cheating and its not fun with cheats i finish Pokemon diamond and heart gold without cheating and i have like 3 or 4 level 100 pokemons and allot of legendary from both games.

Is Pokemon platinum version better than Pokemon heartgold version?

Heart-gold version is way better there is two regions to get badges which makes it a hard and a fun challenge and there is a really tough trainer in the game but you have to get professor oak approval to enter Mt.silver fight him and you might lose level 80 up Pokemon.

What is the game id for Pokemon Heart Gold?

i have been looking for it too i know it starts with IPKJ however i don't know the numbers its not IPKJ this is the whole thing IPKE4DFFBF91 got this off action replay dsi so have fun

How do you get gold Pokemon on Pokemon emerald?

I assume you mean pokemon FROM gold version, and that you want to trade them to your emerald version. You can't. Emerald is a generation three game whereas Gold is a generation two game. You can only trade Emerald with Ruby, Sapphire, Firered and Leafgreen. Pokemon Gold can only trade with Crystal, Silver, Red, Blue and Yellow. If you mean actual 'Gold' pokemon, then you're talking about shiny pokemon. You need to catch them in the wild (1/+8000, so have fun with that).