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you have to go to the weather institute and talk to a guy in front of a computer first he will say kyogre is on route ? then when you defeat him or catch him you go back to the guy with the computer then he will tell you where groudon is. use a great ball to catch him easier.

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You need to go to the weather institute where you get castform just west of fortree city. At the area where team aqua trapped people, there is one person that gave you the castform. Talk to him and he will tell you that there is either a drought or something like a flood (or anything relating to water) When he tell you a particular route has drought, it means groundon is at that route. If he tells you a particular route is raining heavily, that means kygore is there. After you caught, killed or fled from kygore, go back to the same person and he will tell you where groudon (unless he told you before).

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You have to get a Kyogre, but Kyogre is only available in Pokemon Heart Gold. So, you'll have to have a friend trade you a Kyogre. Then you show both of them to Professor Oak, and he will give you the Jade Orb so you can catch Rayquaza.

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Q: Where do you go after you get Groudon in Pokemon Soul Silver?
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How do you get Rayquaza in Pokemon soul silver and you already have both Groudon and Kyogre?

you go back to the cave where you caught groudon/kyorge

How do you get Groudon to come to the embedded tower in Pokemon soul silver?

go to prof. oak he will give you the blue/red orb go to the embedded tower and you will see groudon

Do you need both red and blue orbs or to catch Rayquaza?

No, To get Rayquaza in Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver, Catch Groudon in Soul Silver, Catch Kyogre in Heart Gold, Trade Groudon to Heart Gold or Trade Kyogre to Soul Silver, Visit to Prof Oak's Lab in Pallet Town with Groudon and Kyogre in your party pokemon, get the Jade Orb and go to Embedded Tower to get Rayquaza

What do you do after when you capture Groudon in Pokemon soul silver?

You can try to get the other kind of orb which will get you kyogre and after you get kyogre you can go back there and get rayquaza.

How do you get another Groudon in soul silver?

go to poke.check on your computer sign up and you can get any pokemon you want.You have to use the GTS(the trading center)

Where is rakwaza in soul silver?

After you beat Red, go to Mr. Pokemon. He will give you the Red Orb which you can use to get Groudon. Then, you have to use HeartGold to get Kyogre the same way. Trade Kyogre over and go to the place where you got Groudon.

What happens if you caputure kyogure and then you go to prfesers ocks place and he thell you to find the red orb what do I do?

you can only get the red orb in Pokemon soul silver, he says groudon only appeasers to people with silver sprites not golden hearts aka heart gold and soul silver so you half to trade groudon from soul silver to heart gold then oak gives you the jade ord and you go back to embedded tower

Pokemon heart gold what do you do after you get Kyogre?

After you do that get another ds ds lite or dsi and another Pokemon heart gold or soul silver game with a groudon in it. (If you have soul silver the way you get groudon in it is you have to go to mr Pokemon ( like you did in heart gold get the red orb instead of the blue orb and go to the place on the trail to the safari zone and get groudon.) After you have the certain groudon and kyogre that you can't get any other way like from ruby or sapphire on one game you go to the place on that route to the safari zone again and you will see raquaza! to get closer to finishing your national pokedex

How do you catch Groudon in Pokemon soul silver?

first you have to beat red after you beat the game and get rock climb then go to red i suggest level 70's but i did it with level 70 and lower, next get the kanto starter then go to mr Pokemon you get the red orb then you can get groudon

Where is kyogore in pokemon heartgold?

it is in the hidden towerAfter you've beaten red at mt silver you speak to mr Pokemon and he gives you a blue orb (red for soul silver) he then tells you where to go and you go there (it's on the route leading to the safari zone) when you get there kyogre will be there. Once yo have caught him you speak to him again (or prof oak I can't remember) and he tells you that if you catch a groudon (kyogre on soul silver) he'll tell you the rest of the hoenn myth. On heart gold you can't catch groudon (without cheats) so you have to trade one from soul silver (vice versa for soul silver) and once you do that and sshow it to prof oak or mr Pokemon he will give you a green orb and you can go back to the embedded tower (where you caught kyogre/groudon) and catch rayquaza

What do you do with the red orb on soul silver?

Go to the Embedded Tower on Route 47. There you get Groudon.

How do you catch Groundon in HeartGold and SoulSilver?

you can only get Groudon on Pokemon soul silver if you have defeated red and got the red orb from m.r Pokemon then go to the saari zone cave. hope this helps :)