Garter snakes do not lay eggs. They give birth to live young as the eggs hatch while still inside the mother. Snakes reproduce sexually like most other vertebrates, with the male injecting sperm into the female.
no garter snakes come out in the hot days garter snakes not like to come out in a night
Baby garter snakes will eat small earthworms and live fish or tadpoles.
No, bunnies are much too large for the average garter snake to swallow.
they can
None. Garter snakes give birth to live young. A female garter snake may give birth to anywhere from 3 to 80 young.
no garter snakes come out in the hot days garter snakes not like to come out in a night
Baby garter snakes fend for themselves from the moment they are born.
Baby garter snakes will eat small earthworms and live fish or tadpoles.
Garter snakes can eat ants but they are more common to eat other things
Garter snakes could have as little as three babies, or as many as 80. Some have given birth to 98 individuals at once!
No. Grass snakes usually have a yellowish or tan belly.
No, bunnies are much too large for the average garter snake to swallow.
Garter snakes are not large enough to eat a lemur. Unless it was a baby lemur.
they can
Like all snakes garter snakes are predators. Garter snakes get their nutrients by eating small animals.