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Body art, the adorning of the body with paint, scars or permanent graphics, began with different peoples before man learned to write. We'll likely never know who the first person was either to apply ink, or to get ink put on. We're not sure of when, too. Links can be found below for more information.

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13y ago

from lee Williams in the mid 1600 century, he was a true worrior and gained tattoos from each kill, marked with fluid from ground, similar to oil based ingredients.

A Bit Before ThatMan has been marking himself and his goods for just about as long as he has be self-aware. Scientists have discovered that marks were found on the skin of the Iceman, a mummified human body dating from about 3300 B.C. It is believed those marks are ancient tattoos, and could be proof of the earliest know tattoos. There have been examples of tattoos found on Egyptian and Nubian mummies dating back to around 2000 B.C.
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13y ago

There is no specific person to started it all, 'cause Body Modifications have been going on for hundreds maybe even thousands of years, Tribes all around the world have been doing them for centuries.

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Do tribal tattoos have meaning?

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It is unclear where tattoos originated although some believe they began in Polynesian countries there is mention of tattos even in the Bible. Find out a breif history of tattos at

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What is plural noun tattoo?

The plural form is tattoos. The plural possessive is tattoos'.

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The singular of "tattoos" is "tattoo." As in: My brother has lots of tattoos but I only have one tattoo.

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Yes he has tattoos

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She has 9 tattoos.

Can snails have tattoos?

snail's cannot have tattoos.