Kangaroos have long legs because they are especially adapted for bounding over long distances in Australia. They are unable to move independently for walking, and the long hind feet are structured for long leaps rather than running. Hopping is also more energy efficient. Kangaroos have large, strong tendons in their hind legs which act as "springs". Every time a kangaroo's feet hits the ground, some of the energy is shifted to the rubber, stored there, then recycled in an elastic bounce. The springing motion requires less energy than running does, so kangaroos are able to bound for longer distances than other mammals with the standard four legs can run. Kangaroos are able to travel long distances at a high speed, expending very little energy. This is linked directly to the physical action of bringing their hind legs up with each hop. Every hop literally refills their lungs.
of course! DC has... has... everything! well not everything but it still has alot. i mean it deosn't have kangaroos or koala's like ausralia
Canadian aboriginals ate fish kangaroos, people named joe because they didn;t like that name!
The six white boomers were 6 white kangaroos that pulled Santa's sleigh on the Australian leg of his journey, according to an Australian song. A "boomer" is a large male kangaroo. The song was originally sung by Rolf Harris.
No. As they are marsupials, kangaroos give birth to live young.
No Australia
Kangaroos may be referred to most commonly in mobs. However they may also come in troops, or courts (least common).
Most kangaroos are wild. Kangaroos that are kept in wildlife sanctuaries which are open to the public tend to be used to people. In these places, the gentler kangaroos are kept in huge, fenced paddocks where visitors can roam and feed the kangaroos on grain they purchase from the sanctuary shop. These kangaroos will graze contendedly despite the presence of humans, or come up to people, nuzzling them for food. In one or two states of Australia, kangaroos are permitted to be kept as pets, but not in suburban areas.
Kangaroos are found in three countries. They are Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea. kangaroos can weigh from between 120 and 200 pounds and come can grow to be nine feet tall.
Kangaroos are born as kangaroos.
Red kangaroos are nocturnal, meaning they are more active during the night. they are also particularly active at dawn and dusk, as this is when they feed. Red kangaroos stay equally active all year around, during all seasons.
Yes. Possums and almost all species of kangaroos are nocturnal, meaning they come out at night.
Tree Kangaroos live mainly in the bushes the only time they come down is when they need to lick there eyes. They also like licking lolly pops with flamingos.
kangaroos are not found in the wild in England. Kangaroos are native to Australia.
No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.
The only kangaroos in Asia are tree kangaroos.