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Outside the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. There is a copy now.

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At the wall of the Florence Cathedral.

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Q: Where did Michelangelo sculpture of David stand until about a century ago?
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What color is Michelangelo's David?

It is made of marble and it is a creamy white. Quite stunning as you stand there looking at it.

What does Michelangelo's David Stand For?

It stands for the city of Florence. They wanted him to make david because it stood for a little city with alot of power. Just like the story of david and goliath.

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Polykleitos, in his sculpture of Doryphoros.

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A sculpture should be free standing. If it is not, it may be a relief: relief: sculpture consisting of shapes carved on a surface so as to stand out from the surrounding background

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david archuleta stand 5'8.

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What does Donatello's David stand on?

He made one marble David and one bronze David. In both cases David is standing on the severed head of Goliath.

What should you learn from Michelangelo's life?

in his life we can learn that we can even shape our lives to something so great from a humble beginning that it will stand the test of time.

Where did it stand until about a century ago?

You need to tell us it is to answer.

What does Abigail stand for?

She was the wife of King David in the Old Testament.