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One would imagine that, since the insect is undergoing metamorphosis, one would find plenty of juices and guts. This is because the insect's DNA is recreating the bug. Depending on how far the bug is into the process you can find several things.

  1. Entering the stage: The caterpillar.
  2. Halfway: May find just a pocket of "guts", and a few limbs.
  3. Near completion: May find lots of limbs; perhaps a wing.
  4. Ready to hatch: Outside of the shell will be extremely thin and clear.
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Q: What would you find inside a cocoon?
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What stage in butterfly's life cycle does a butterfly spend inside a cocoon?

The butterfly's pupa stage is spent inside a cocoon

There is a cocoon in my parents bedroom its attached to the ceiling Will it survive or should we remove it?

It is safe to leave the cocoon as it will survive. The cocoon is protection for the insect that is inside.

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What happens if you disturb a butterfly cocoon?

If you disturb a butterfly cocoon, it can kill the growing insect inside. It is important to leave the cocoon alone to let it develop naturally.

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What animal lives in a cocoon for part of its life?

Butterflies are the animals that live in a cocoon for part of their life cycle. They undergo metamorphosis inside the cocoon, transforming from a caterpillar into a butterfly.

How can you tell if a cocoon is still alive?

A cocoon is typically considered alive if it shows signs of movement or activity such as fluttering, twitching, or shaking. If the cocoon appears dried out, discolored, or has an unpleasant odor, it may be a sign that the insect inside has died.

If you break a cocoon what organism will you find-pupae or butterfly?

It really depends on how far through the process the insect is. Do not break cocoons, for you will kill the organism inside it!

Do butterfly's come out of their cocoons full size?

Yes. They did their growing inside the cocoon.

Can you move a cocoon?

ok now im going to list some things that you dont know about yet wind,rain,bugs,rocks,and so forth that is just a few things that can move a cocoon!RETARD I don't mean to be rude, but this person is asking if a metamorphosing moth or butterfly move and the answer is yes. it often will move and this is perfectly normal. it is a living creature and is still capable of sensation inside a cocoon. :)

What is the name of the caterpillars that stay inside the cocoon for weeks?

the caterpillers name is The Green Starrothe

Do caterpillars eat inside their cocoons?

No, they change into a pupa inside the cocoon. Bagworm moth caterpillars do make what looks like a cocoon and they move about taking the bag with them. As they eat and grow, they make the bag larger. When they are ready to change into pupae, each one will pupate inside its own bag.