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bad synchronizer

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Q: What would cause a manual truck not to down shift into 3rd gear?
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Related questions

What would cause the truck not to shift properly?

There could be a number of reasons why your truck will not shift properly. There could be something wrong with your clutch or transmission.

How do I know I am in fwd if the indicator light does not come on in a 97 k1500 manual transfer shift truck?

If I'm not mistaken, it appears that your truck is a "manual transmission"? There would be no indicator light - you shift into first gear, and then as you approve about 10 or 15 mph you would shift to second. I recommend the "learning manual transmission for dummies" - actually a very well written instruction book on learning how to shift.

What would cause the wait to start light flash the truck not to hold a charge and the truck not to shift into OD 1992 Dodge Cummins?

alternator and od solonoid

Will a 1997 Dodge truck automatic transmission fit a 1995 Dodge truck?

It would bolt up, but it will not shift. The shift control systems are different.It would bolt up, but it will not shift. The shift control systems are different.

What would cause a truck with a manual transmission to stall when slowing down to a stop?

vehicle is still in gear, step on clutch

What would cause a squealing sound after prematurely grinding a manual transmission truck into gear while accelerating?

main shaft bearing

What would cause your manual 1998 Mazda truck to rev everytime you shift or take out of gear?

I have a 1997 Mazda B2300 that was having the same problem. When I went to have the emission done it failed. One of the codes on the print out was a possible issue with the Idle Control Valve. I replaced it and that has solved the issue of the high rev when I shift. Still not passing emission though. Hope this helps.

Which will not cause the supply curve to shift?

A change in price level would cause movement along the demand curve, but would not cause the curve itself to shift.

How do you shift an eaton gear shift in a big truck?

There is no synchronizer gear in these, so you do the synchronization. You're not going to learn about it by reading about it... perhaps a truck driving school would be in order.

Changing Shift Knob face in 90 Cherokee Sport?

The shift knob should be held on by set screws if its a manual or threaded on if its an auto, in the case of an auto you would have to disconnect the shift button to change the handle. The shift knob should be held on by set screws if its a manual or threaded on if its an auto, in the case of an auto you would have to disconnect the shift button to change the handle. The shift knob should be held on by set screws if its a manual or threaded on if its an auto, in the case of an auto you would have to disconnect the shift button to change the handle.

Why would your 94 Rodeo not shift into gear?

If it is a manual trans, the shift linkage might be loose, bent, or damaged.

How would you put transmission in a sentence?

Example sentence - The transmission in the truck would not shift correctly.