what would cause my car to run fine when it has first started up then after a while first gear will kinda bog down.
Bad fuel, dirt in the fuel filter, dirty air filter.
Could be, A plugged fuel filter, A damaged/plugged catalytic converter, Fuel pump failure,
It could be the carb needs to be rebuilt. I have a 1971 f100 myself is a 360 manual 4 speed and that fixed that problem. The accelerator pump on it wasn't working causing it to be way down on power and bog down when I was giving it the gas. If yours is an auto tranny then there could be something wrong with it like its skipping first gear or your torque converter isn't stalling when it should. Hope this helps you tjman oug
A yarpha is an obsolete Scottish term for a peat bog.
a+ answer BOG
Plugged fuel, air filter, or catalytic converter can cause that.
mass air flow sensor
A damaged catalytic converter could cause that.
Fuel Pump! That's what happened to mine.
This could be caused by a variety of factors, most common are: Dimmer switches, large loads energizing in the same house causing the power to bog down, or a bog down in the power from the utility company.
will the transmission causes my 1999 ford expedition to bog down & sputter when accelerating the 4.6liter engine.
my 1999 did the same thing and I found out it was my transmission.
It does not always mean that will happen, but it is certainly a common cause and if your car is sputtering and bogs down it would be one of the first things to check.
bog down in first gear and then it strtes to shift
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Could be that the lawn was wet and that the white smoke was actually steam.