The heart is in the thoracic cavity in a part called the mediastinum. It is protected by the pericardium, a membranous sac that surround the heart. The mediastinum is that space in the thoracic cavity between the lungs that contains the heart. It also contains the aorta, esophagus, trachea and thymus.The pleural cavity is the space in the chest between the lungs.
Hello, the medical term name for inflammation of the chest cavity is Costachondritis. It means the area where your chest and rib bones meet is inflamed. Or the area where the sternum and your intercostal cartilage is located near your ribcage. I have this condition and it comes & goes especially in the winter months.
In the chest cavity positioned to the left from the center of the body.
frequently ordered to diagnose or rule out pneumonia. Other pulmonary disorders such as emphysema or pneumothorax (presence of air or gas in the chest cavity outside the lungs) may be detected or evaluated through the use of chest x ray.
Thoracic paracentesis is more commonly referred to (at least in the United States) as simply thoracentesis, and it is the draining of fluid from the thoracic (chest) cavity.
The chest cavity is a general term referring to the area within the chest, while the thoracic cavity specifically refers to the space within the rib cage that contains the lungs and heart. The thoracic cavity is a subset of the overall chest cavity.
Chest cavity
Is there a difference in chest cavityt between females and males?
chest cavity (Laryngeal cavity)
The mediastinum.
The diaphragm is situated between the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity.
the presence of air or gas in the cavity between the lungs and the chest wall, causing collapse of the lung
Hemothorax is a collection of blood in the space between the chest wall and the lung (the pleural cavity).
what is the relationship between chest circumference and lung function test