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Selene: a moon or crescent moon

Artemis: deer, bears, a cypress tree, dogs, birds, crescent moon, and a bow and arrow

Hecate: paired torches, keys, and dogs

Persephone: a torch

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14y ago

Diana was a Roman goddess, not Greek. Her Greek counterpart is Artemis. Diana's symbols are stags, bears, falcons, the crescent moon, the bow, and the arrow.

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12y ago

apple, hawk, lion, cow, crow, crown, peacock, cuckoo, pomegranate, a staff tiped with lotus, gold sandals, and veil

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Q: What were the symbols for Diana the Greek goddess?
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Who is goddess Diana?

Diana was the Roman goddess of the Hunt and the moon. Her Greek name is Artemis. Diana's symbols are a crescent moon, frogs, bow and arrows, and forest animals (deer, bears, lions, etc.)

Who is the goddess Diana?

The Roman goddess Diana is the Roman goddess of the hunt, the moon, virginity, childbirth, and wildlife. Her Greek counterpart is Artemis.Diana was the Roman goddess of the Hunt and the moon. Her Greek name is Artemis. Diana's symbols are a crescent moon, frogs, bow and arrows, and forest animals (deer, bears, lions, etc.)

Was Diana the Greek goddess of hunting?

No. Diana was the Roman goddess of hunting. Artemis was the Greek goddess of hunting.

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Nothing! Diana is the name "Artemis" in Latin. So actually, Diana is in Latin. Artemis is the ancient Greek goddess representing the Moon, sister of Sun, Apollo. She was a great huntress. When Romans adopted ancient Greek culture and mythology, they worshipped Artemis under the name "Diana".derived from an old Indo-European root meaning "heavenly, divine",

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Diana is the Roman goddess whose aspects are alike to Artemis the Greek goddess. As to where they come from in a historical perspective, that is still in debate.

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Artemis is not a Roman god, she is a Greek goddess. Her Roman counterpart is Diana. Her animal symbols are a deer, a falcon, and a bear.

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Artemis was the Greek name for Diana, goddess of the hunt.

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The Greek goddess Artemis was also known as Diana in Rome. She was the goddess of childbirth and hunting, she was also the Protector of Children. Her symbols are the bow, dogs, and deer.

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Selene is the Greek goddess, the Roman equivalent is Diana or Luna.

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The Greek goddess Artemis was also known as Diana in Rome. She was the goddess of childbirth and hunting, she was also the Protector of Children. Her symbols are the bow, dogs, and deer.