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Q: What were some of the principal features of the renaissance period?
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Why was the renaissance period called the renaissance period?

Renaissance is French for 'rebirth.' it is called the renaissance because it was the rebirth of the arts. Some things that were changed during this period of time include: music, sculpture, painting, architecture, printing and drama

Why was this time period called the Renaissance?

Renaissance is French for 'rebirth.' it is called the renaissance because it was the rebirth of the arts. Some things that were changed during this period of time include: music, sculpture, painting, architecture, printing and drama

What are some creative ideas for a Renaissance project?

Some ideas are: You could dress up as you were from the Renaissance and act like you were from that time period. If you are artistic, you could paint or draw a picture in the style of Renaissance paintings. You could make a collage of Renaissance items and styles.

What are some inventor during Renaissance period?

Copernicus, Galileo, and Gutenberg, to name a few.

What are some historical themes for the classical period?

the renaissance and the time of great discovery and education.

How long did Renaissance period lasted?

The Renaissance period lasted for about a month and a half specifically some time in july. during the time it was the end of financial year in italy and everyone was having to pay their taxes

What were some of the changed brought about by the renaissance period?

There were many things that changed during the Renaissance. Such as the art, literature, and even religion which would have never be allowed in medieval times. The Renaissance was a whole change of mind. :)

What were some of the changes brought about the renaissance period?

There were many things that changed during the Renaissance. Such as the art, literature, and even religion which would have never be allowed in medieval times. The Renaissance was a whole change of mind. :)

What were some of the changes brought about by the Renaissance period?

There were many things that changed during the Renaissance. Such as the art, literature, and even religion which would have never be allowed in medieval times. The Renaissance was a whole change of mind. :)

Who are the famous Renaissance MEN from the Renaissance?

Some famous Renaissance men include Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Galileo Galilei. These individuals were known for their contributions to art, science, and other fields during the Renaissance period.

Why is the classical period considered the height of the western tonal system?

The Classical period took the polyphony, some structures and the new tonal system from the Renaissance/Baroque period and made it a clearer and mostly homophonic music which is still what is prevalent currently... The Classical period took the polyphony, some structures and the new tonal system from the Renaissance/Baroque period and made it a clearer and mostly homophonic music which is still what is prevalent currently...

Is Renaissance era the same as Elizabethan era?

The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century. The Elizabethan era was in the 16th century.Therefore the answer to this question is NO - but the Elizabethan era was in the Renaissance era and some would regard the Elizabethan era as the height of the Renaissance era.