the colors at the points of an equaliteral triangle on the color wheel
Corfu is in the Mediterranean
All true Mediterranean countries has a coast to this Sea or the components of this Sea as Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea, Cretan Sea etc.
volcanoes occur in the Caribbean most because of the triad , the triad is 3 plates that all push against each other there are more than 3,0000 triads in the Caribbean. when the all hit each other they send cracks into space which make more volcanoes appear in the caribbean........
There transition, which is the same thing as magnetic
i bet your in year 5 or 6 trying to do a project on ancient Greece
A Secondary Triad is anything but a Primary triad which is I, IV and V A Secondary triad is II, III, VI and VIIO.
The subdominant triad of Eb major is the Ab major triad.
C major triad : C - E - GG major triad : G - B - DD major triad : D - F# - AA major triad: A - C# - EE major triad : E - G# - BB major triad : B - D# - FC# major triad: C# - E# - G#F# major triad : F# - A# - C#Cb major triad : Cb - Eb - GGb major triad : Gb - Bb - DbDb major triad : Db - F - AbAb major triad : Ab - C - EbEb major triad : Eb - G - BbBb major triad : Bb - D - FF major triad : F - A - CA natural minor triad : A - C - EE natural minor triad : E - G - BB natural minor triad : B - D - F#F# natural minor triad : F# - A - C#C# natural minor triad : C# - E - G#A# natural minor triad : A# - C# - EG# natural minor triad : G# - B - D#D# natural minor triad : D# - F# - A#Eb natural minor triad : Eb - Gb - BbAb natural minor triad : Ab - C -EbBb natural minor triad : Bb - Db - FD natural minor triad : D - F - AG natural minor triad : G - Bb - DC natural minor triad : C - Eb - GF natural minor triad : F - Ab - C
A diminished triad is formed by lowering the fifth note of a minor triad a half step.
A subdominant triad (Grade 5 Theory) is a triad built on the scale degree IV (four)
Triad Strategies was created in 2002.
Rise of the Triad was created in 1995.
Rise of the Triad happened in 1995.
Triad Securities was created in 1976.
Triad Securities's population is 30.