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Yes I have red it pretty much every where but don't paint before putting it in

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11y ago

It depends on the clay, check the packet. FIMO type clays bake at 180*C

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Q: What temperature bake Crazy art modeling clay?
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Can modeling clay be bake?

It was able to bake for only 30 SECONDS!

Can you dry modeling clay in an oven?

you cannot bake ordinary plasticene clay. what make is the clay? if it is Fimo or Sculpey you can bake it, otherwise be careful or you will end up with toxic fumes! you can also buy clay called Darwi which dries hard in 24 hours .

Can you paint modeling clay?

most types you can - usually after it dries. ---*You can't. Modeling clay does NOT try. It never dries. It's because of the oil that's in it. Plus you can't bake it or it will melt.*

How can I harden Crayola modeling clay to make my creations more durable and long-lasting?

To harden Crayola modeling clay, you can bake it in an oven according to the package instructions. This will make your creations more durable and long-lasting.

How do you dry modeling clay?

you have to put water salt and flour and then bake at 365 degrees or microwaze for 7 to8 min.

Is possible to dry non drying clay?

It will really depend on the type of clay that you have. Some non drying clays may become hardened if you bake it. However if it is modeling clay it will be impossible to dry it.

My child made a figurine out of clay and I'm wondering if I decide not to bake it, will it go bad?

If the "clay" is dough made from food stuffs (flour, etc), yes, it could go bad, and you should bake it. Modeling clay that is not made from food products, however, should be fine.

Is modeling clay the same as polymer clay?

No, modeling clay and polymer clay are different. Modeling clay is oil-based, air-dries, and is often used for temporary sculptures. Polymer clay is a type of sculpting material that is PVC based and must be baked in an oven to harden.

Is there a difference in between extruded clay and modeling clay?

Why yes there is. An extruded clay is something pushed out by a machine and modeling clay is handled by man.

Do you have to bake oven bake clay before sculpting it?

No, you sculpt the clay first and then bake it once you are through with your work of art.

What is the ingredents of the rose art modeling clay?

Modeling clay can be very useful for students in school and kids and adults out of school. In case you are curious, the ingredients of modeling clay from Rose Art are not made public.

Do beans grow in clay?

If you mean clay soils, then yes. If you mean modeling clay, no.