Underneath meaning below on a map, or south of California is the Mexican State of Baja California.
Where can i find a map of California state from the 1849
The state is California. The capital is Sacramento.
San Fransisco, California
soccer and volleyball
It is not Republican, but mainly Democratic. Orange County is one of the main Republican areas of the state.
California does not have a state candy.
The state bird of California is the California quail.
usaArizona is located to the right of California and t the left of New Mexico. And it underneath Utah.U.s.a
California California
Yes, California is a state.
California is a state in Western USA
It's the grizzly bear
The California State senate, and the California State assembly are responsible for making new laws for the state of California. The state of California's legislature has a democratic majority.
California is one of fifty states in the United States of America.There is a "California City" in the state of California, but there is no city of "California" in the state of "California".From the lighter side: Not unlike New York (at least in this regard) California is a state of mind.
The state motto of California is "I have found it"
The state of California currently does not have a state amphibian.
L.A is in the state of California.